Popular Mechanics, the authority on how the world works since 1902, recently wrote an article on the newest trend in craft beer: the light, low-calorie IPA. They’re calling it a trend, “you’d never have predicted a decade ago,” and listing Flyjack as one of the top ten to try.

They noted that brewers explored these limits in wheat beers, sours and lagers several years ago, but have now moved on to one of the more difficult styles of brews. Trimming down the boozy, hazy, and pungent beers to be lighter, more refreshing, has been an “incredible feat of beer engineering.”
Pointing out that a standard IPA like Mind Haze can have roughly 200 calories, most of which comes from the alcohol content.
Our Brewmaster, Matt Brynildson, points out are great for extracting the aromatic hop oils; the rest coming from the carbs that give the beer its body and balance.
The low cal beers have noticeably less body, which is to be expected when cutting the carbs of the beers by a third to a quarter of their standard counterparts. At Firestone, we use a blend of oats and wheat, creating a soft and fuller mouthfeel. Then adding the hops during a later stage of the brewing process as you only need a touch of hop flavors in a light beer like Flyjack.

Popular Mechanics says Flyjack shares much of the same components of Mind Haze: grains, yeast, and several hop varieties, but comes in at a much lower ABV 4% to Mind Haze’s 6.2%. They are calling Flyjack the best balanced they tried noting its fruit flavors with just a touch of IPA bitterness and no lingering bite.

To see the full list click here and to find out where to get Flyjack, use our beer finder.