We might not be able to do much traveling right now, but luckily, that’s not the case for our beers…
Mind Haze is now available in the United Kingdom. After 25 years of only brewing in California, we have finally crossed the pond to brew Mind Haze with a UK-based partner we know, admire and trust.
Matt Brynildson believes that Thornbridge is not just one of but the best craft breweries in the UK, and not only does he admire the brewery, but he is good friends with head brewer Rob Lovatt.
After spending a good deal of time with Lovatt during his European brewing sabbatical this past year, traveling in search of barrels for a barrel-aged project and brewing a West Coat IPA.
Brynildson concluded that if we brewed our beer in the UK, he would call on Thornbridge to help. Given that the Pondera West Coast IPA collaboration that Lovatt and Brynildson brew together ended up being one of Thornbridge’s biggest hits, it became a no brainer.
— Brewmaster Matt BrynildsonI saw their capabilities and attention to detail as brewers when I was there, and so for me, it was well worth exploring.
Having Thornbridge brew Mind Haze for us has many advantages.
From eliminating the cross Atlantic shipping time that can affect the flavors and composition of beer and not to mention creating a large carbon footprint that comes with moving beer across the world. To just maintaining the required freshness of a Hazy IPA, as it is a style that is best consumed days or weeks after packaging, not months.
In the end, we decided to brew a high level, small-batch experiment to see if we could flavor match the beer, save of shipping and deliver fresh Mind Haze to the craft beer lovers of the UK.
At the end of the day, this wouldn’t have been possible without us aligning ourselves with a world-class brewer of the right scale and skill; and we believe Lovatt and his team at Thornbridge fit the bill. As this experiment continues, we will tweak and perfect the beer as we brew these small batches and feed them into the market for real-world data and response.
Mind Haze will be available in 300 Morrisons across the United Kingdom and available on the Thornbridge website.